Nancy Davis - I too have traveled a diverse career path, gaining different skills along the way. Beginning in the medical profession, I learned the necessity of thoroughness and accuracy. Next, I became an educator where I rediscovered the joy of learning and passing on that enthusiasm to others. Following that, I became a Real Estate Broker, learning to appreciate diverse perspectives. During that time, I wrote a weekly newspaper column, developing communication skills. Now I am able to dedicate most of my time pursuing theology, my primary interest since I became a Christian over 50 years ago. I draw on all the professional skills developed through those diverse careers and apply them to the study of God's Word. That is a truly endless topic.

Rod Davis - I retired in 2017 from two of my three lifelong careers, college professor and investment advisor, to pursue my childhood dream of writing. I have been working on The Sisyphus Solution: My Search for the Solution to an Unsolvable Problem for over a decade and will publish it soon. The ending has been more difficult than I anticipated, but the book will be well worth the wait. It has a life-changing surprise twist at the end. I have come to an age where I can see that all the diversions of life will converge into a meaningful whole as we get closer to the end. We are all on a path of discovery, and I am convinced we will all be surprised by what we find. Order comes out of necessity to overcome chaos. I am excited to get back to other books. I am working on more children's books, and a fantasy novel.

Unique Ink Press

Unique Ink Press currently has its imprint on five books: An Introduction to the Stock Market and Investments and its companion Study Guide and Workbook, Out on a LimerickThe Schizophrenic Gospel, and Hidden in Plain Sight. As far as our claim of being eclectic, those cover the categories of personal finance, theology, and children's literature. Forthcoming, however, we plan to release books in the categories of autobiography, philosophy,  and fantasy fiction. The next book we will publish will be an autobiographical journal, The Sisyphus Solution: My Search for a Solution to an Unsolvable Problem. It will be released later this year. Is that eclectic enough for you?

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