Your Road to Success Begins by Learning What You Need to Know Before You Invest 

Practically Peerless

This Study Guide and Workbook is a companion to An Introduction to the Stock Market and Investments. It is designed for students who use that text in the classroom. It includes four different activities to help students remember the terminology and basic concepts of each chapter: a summary of the chapter, sample questions for classroom discussion, a vocabulary matching exercise, and a 10-question true/false practice quiz. I have observed the most difficult hurdle to overcome for most new investors is the language of finance. Most people feel intimidated by stock market reports because they don’t understand the terminology. Everything sounds like nuclear physics if you don’t know what is being said. However, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to develop a sound investment strategy (although it wouldn't hurt). The concepts are comprehensible once you learn the language. However, learning the vocabulary is only the first step to becoming successful. For any  endeavor to be successful, there is no substitute for hard work. What you get out of anything you do will directly correlate to what you put into it.

The most recent revision of ​An Introduction to the Stock Market and Investments was updated in 2024. it contains up-to-date information and NYSE rule changes, including the change of settlement date for most stock trades to T+1 (trade date plus one business day). This is a Rule Book for investments. Very few people read Rule Books because they are boring, but not knowing the rules can be very costly in this game. The Preface to this revision states, "Misrepresenting capitalism is the reason I have taken time out of retirement to keep this book alive. I consider it an apologetic for capitalism. It is the foundation of our traditional values and the reason why America has become so successful." It builds on tried and true methods of security analysis, but it has evolved as the market changed. Capitalism has produced the highest standard of living for the greatest number of people when compared to any other economic system. But its success depends on government agencies properly executing their roll as moderators of fair and ethical business practices. There are checks and balances inherent in capitalism that do not exist in socialist government systems. Corporations are held accountable to their shareholders and government regulators, but if the government initiates a socialist type of intervention into the system, it is not held accountable to anyone. One of the greatest threats to capitalism, aside from government becoming a competitor rather than an arbitrator, is the trend toward turning traditional approaches to investing into gambling or get-rich-quick schemes. Investing has always favored those with a long-term approach. There is brief commentary on trading cryptocurrencies and some more recent information on world affairs in Chapter 12. You are ahead of most other investors already, just by reading this. Good luck to you for taking the time to learn What You Need to Know Before You Invest.

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